MP Board 5th, 8th: Project work of 20 marks, students will write about the experience of living on a farm for a day

Students have been given such subjects from which they will get to learn something. symbolic photo


If you have gone on a trip, you will be asked to write its details in the form of a diary. A project will have to be prepared on topics like names of musical instruments and their descriptions. After drying five flowers and pasting them on the project copy, a description will also have to be written.

Naiduniya Representative, Bhopal (RSKMP 5th, 8th). Madhya Pradesh Board’s fifth and eighth board exams are to be held in February-March. The State Education Center has prepared a list of marks scheme and project subjects for this. In the marking scheme, there will be written examination of 60 marks and 40 marks for internal assessment.

There will also be project work of 20 marks in internal assessment. Under this, class five students will have to write about their experience of living on their farm for one day. For the project, write the details like how to prepare for the exam, which looks beautiful village or city, dry five flowers and paste them on the project copy, the topics have been chosen.

If you have gone on a trip, please write the details in your diary.

Whereas for the students of class 8th, if they have gone on a trip somewhere in the past related to the project subjects, then their details will be given to write in the form of a diary. Apart from this, projects will have to be prepared on subjects like names of musical instruments and their descriptions.

The questions will be something like this

Which tools are used in farming? How is Dussehra celebrated in your village and which festivals are celebrated? Write complete details. Which place do you find most beautiful in your city or village? If you have ever helped someone, then write to him and tell him about your experience. One can become a sentinel of the nation without joining the army, if yes then how. Cut pictures of natural disasters from old newspapers and write their complete descriptions. Write down complete information about the cleaner in or around your house. Take five spices, five grains etc. and write their descriptions by pasting them on a scrap book. Write the details of which schemes are being run by the government for special children. List the eye powers of 10 children and 10 elderly people and write their descriptions. Write the ill effects of mobile. List infectious diseases and write descriptions. What game do you play with friends?

board exam marking scheme

Half yearly examination – surcharge 20 marks Annual examination (written) – 60 marks Internal assessment (project work) – 20 marks

The pattern of questions in the written examination will be like this

Multiple Choice Questions – Five Marks (Five Questions) Fill in the Blank Questions – Five Marks (Five Questions) Very Short Answer Questions – 12 Marks (Six Questions) Short Answer Questions – 18 Marks (Six Questions) Long Answer Questions – 20 Marks ( four questions)

There will be project work of 20 marks

There will be project work of 20 marks in each subject of class 5th and 8th. Under this, students have been given such subjects from which they will get to learn something. – Harjinder Singh, Director, State Education Center