Anoop Dubey, Katni. Illegal liquor trade and betting is going on in Dhimarkheda of Katni district of Madhya Pradesh. Today on Tuesday the villagers submitted a memorandum to the SDM demanding that the illegal activities be stopped. Farmers are worried due to burning of transformers in this area. Farmers are not able to irrigate their crops. Even the electricity company is not paying attention to this problem of farmers.
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Illegal liquor trade and betting is going on in village Pondi Khurd of Teamarkheda tehsil. Due to which the villagers are worried. The villagers reached the SDM office demanding its closure, where they submitted a memorandum to SDM Vinky Singhmaren demanding the stoppage of illegal activities in the village. Now it remains to be seen what action the administration takes on this. Or else illegal activities will continue in the village.
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Here, in Parasihar village of Rampur tehsil, the transformer has been burnt for a month. Due to which the irrigation work of farmers is being affected. In such a situation, farmers seem worried. Farmers have accused the electricity company of negligence. He says that the problem persists every day due to poor quality transformers. The farmers have got the transformer removed at their own expense and delivered it to the office. But now the new transformer has not been found.
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