Ranchi: BJP State President Babulal Marandi said that due to fear of ED, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has absconded from the Chief Minister’s residence in Delhi and gone underground for the last eighteen hours. Said that according to media sources, late night Hemant ji, wearing slippers and covering his face with a sheet, ran away from the residence on foot like a thief. Ajay Singh, the security personnel of Special Branch who went with him to Delhi, is also missing. The mobile phones of both of them have also been switched off, since then ED and Delhi Police are searching for them. There cannot be any other example of such gross negligence with the security of the Chief Minister. Said that what could be more worrying and shameful than this that the Chief Minister of a state holding a constitutional post breaks the protocol and absconds like a thief-dacoit, leaving the state in the hands of God. Said who will be the leader of the state in case of Chief Minister absconding? This constitutional question is important. Said that His Excellency CP Radhakrishnan should take cognizance of this and take appropriate steps to maintain the rule of law in the state.
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