Jamshedpur. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reached Jharkhand before the sixth phase of voting in the Lok Sabha elections 2024. He addressed the public meeting of the opposition alliance at Gopal Maidan in Jamshedpur. He praised his wife Kalpana Soren for handling the party and the campaign after Hemant Soren went to jail. In the meeting of the opposition alliance on Tuesday, Kejriwal fiercely attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that the Modi government wants to end reservation.
Kejriwal said that former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren was implicated in a political conspiracy and put in jail. Many leaders including Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh, former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s wife Kalpana Soren and Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren were present at the rally. On this occasion, Kejriwal said that today Hemant Soren is in jail because of dictators. Every child in Jharkhand loves him.
Describing Hemant Soren’s wife Kalpana Soren as the Jhansi ki Rani of Jharkhand, he said that she is challenging Modi today. He said- The intention with which the Modi government put both of us in jail did not succeed. Exactly the opposite happened. The party united instead of splitting. The same thing happened with JMM. He claimed that this time the opposition alliance will get 14 seats in Jharkhand. Kejriwal launched a scathing attack on Modi regarding the tribal society and said that the Modi government wants to end the reservation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs. Therefore, the slogan of crossing four hundred has been given. So that changes can be made in the Constitution.