SikandraRao incident The stampede that took place at Bhole Baba’s satsang on July 2 last year is such an accident which shocked the entire country. In this accident which exposed the security arrangements in religious events, 121 innocent people died and hundreds were injured. This accident was not only caused by the crowd but also became a living example of administrative negligence and mismanagement.
Permission 20 thousand, 2.5 lakh devotees arrived
Only 20 thousand people were allowed for the satsang. But due to tremendous publicity and fame, about 2.5 lakh people reached the venue. Despite the gathering of such a large number of people, only 69 policemen were deployed for security and order. This figure itself is enough to show the extent of negligence.
LIU warning ignored
Before the incident, the Local Intelligence Unit (LIU) had given a clear warning that a crowd of more than 50 thousand people could gather. Inspector Sikandra Rao had also written a letter to the Superintendent of Police on June 29, expressing the possibility of gathering of more than one lakh people and demanding additional police force. Despite this, higher officials did not take this report seriously.
The horror of the day of the accident
On the day of the accident, the crowd had started gathering since morning itself. The arrangements at the venue were very weak. There were neither barricades to control the crowd nor any concrete plan to deal with emergency situations. As the crowd increased, a stampede occurred. By the time the situation got out of hand, it was too late. 121 people died and many were injured, but it took a long time for help to arrive.
High Court’s tough stance
Now, Allahabad High Court has summoned the DM and SP of Hathras with an affidavit regarding this incident. The court has asked why their responsibility should not be fixed for the accident and mismanagement. The reports of the SIT and the Judicial Commission also acknowledged that adequate arrangements were not made in view of the crowd.
Question on police responsibility
Former DGP Arvind Kumar Jain had said in a conversation with Amar Ujala that at least 600-700 policemen were required for such a big event. Despite this, the administration distanced itself from the responsibility by deploying only 69 personnel.
Organizing failure and lessons
This accident is a clear evidence of ignoring safety measures in religious events. For such events, it is very important to have solid planning, crowd management, and emergency services. This incident showed how fatal the lack of accurate crowd estimation, proper police force, and safety equipment could prove.
Question on government action
However, after this incident, investigation committees were formed and action was assured against the culprits. But the question arises whether this will prevent such accidents in future? Every year, incidents of stampede occur during religious events in the country. Will the government and administration take a lesson from this and ensure a better system?
Public also needs to be alert
This accident also showed that not only the administration but also the general public needs to be alert. It is very important not to create unnecessary crowd at such places, follow the system and avoid any rumour.
Not a conclusion, but a demand for change
This incident in Sikanderau reminds us how important safety and awareness are. The strictness of the High Court in this matter gives hope that the culprits will be punished and concrete steps will be taken to prevent such accidents in future.
Key Points:
- place: Sikandrarao, Uttar Pradesh
- Date: July 2, last year
- Accident: Stampede
- Deceased: 121
- Permission: 20,000
- Crowd: 2.5 lakh
- Test: SIT and Judicial Commission