Deoghar News: Deoghar – Anti-social elements set fire to two spice and oil shops in the vegetable market (Meena Bazaar) of Deoghar Nagar police station area of Jharkhand late on Monday night. Due to this, the goods kept in both the shops were burnt, causing loss of property worth about three lakhs. At around 12:30 in the night, the people nearby saw smoke coming out of both the shops and informed both the shopkeepers. The shopkeepers reached the fire department office and informed about the incident. Meanwhile, efforts were started to extinguish the fire with the help of nearby people. By the time the fire department personnel reached the spot with fire brigade after receiving the information, the fire in the shops was brought under control with the help of people.
The fire was controlled in time
After receiving the information, the city police station patrol team also reached the spot. Due to the incident, a loss of about two lakhs has been claimed in one shop and about one lakh in another shop. As soon as information about the incident was received, despite it being late at night, a huge crowd of people gathered at the spot. There was a fire in the shop of Pappu Kesari and Shiv Prasad Kesari, in which Pappu has claimed loss of goods worth Rs 2 lakh and Shiv Prasad has claimed loss of goods worth Rs 1 lakh in the incident. Shopkeepers of Meena Bazaar say that the fire in both the shops was controlled in time. If the fire had not been controlled, many shops in Meena Bazaar would have been burnt to ashes.
Income more than 50 lakhs, but facilities missing
Corporation earns more than Rs 50 lakh annually, security absent – shopkeepers
Anger was seen among the shopkeepers of vegetable market Meena Bazaar. He said that Deoghar Municipal Corporation collects revenue from settlement tax of more than Rs 50 lakh every year. Despite this, nothing is done in the name of convenience. There was talk of installing CCTV cameras, but they were not installed nor are there any security arrangements here. In such a situation, there is an atmosphere of fear in the entire Meena market. In the application given to the fire department and the city police station regarding the incident, the victim shopkeepers have said that their shops were set on fire late at night by anti-social elements.
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