New delhi: The number of farmers on board the center’s scheme for the formation and promotion of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOS) have touched the 30 lakh in the country, with around 40 per centh 40 per cente Statement is issued by the ministry of agriculture on Friday.
These foss are now conducting business worth thirds in the Agricultural Sector, It Said. FOPOS AIM to Increase Farmers’ Income and Provide Small Farmers with Direct Access to Significant Market Benefits, Bargaining Power and Improving Market Access.
Under this scheme, launched by prime minister narendra modi on February 29, 2020, there is a provision for Hindi Assistance to the tune of Rs.18 lakh to each Fpo for Meeting Management costs for 3 years.
Additional, matching equity grants up to Rs. 2,000 per farmer member of fpo with a limit of Rs 15 lakh per fpo and a credit guarantee facility up to Rs 2 Crore of Project Loan Per Fpo from Eligible Lending Institutions to ENSURE Institutive Creedit Accessibility to foss is also extended under the scheme, the statement said.
The scheme was launched with a budget outlay of Rs 6,865 Crore Till 2027-28. Since the launch of the scheme, Rs 254.4 Crore in Equity Grants Has Been Released to 4,761 FPOS and Credit Guarantee Cover Wort Rs 453 Crore has been Issured to 1,900 foss.
Recently, on the Occination of the release of the 19th Installation of PM-Kisan in Bhagalpur, Bihar, Prime Minister modi launched the 10,000th FPO which has been registered in the state’s khagaria distrants and focuses Banana, and Paddy.
FPOS are registered entities formed to leverage collectives through economies of scale in the production and marketing of Agricultural and Allied Sectors. The concept behind foss is that farmers, who are the producers of Agricultural Products, Can Form Groups. To facilitate this process, the small farmer ‘Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) was mandated by the department of Agriculture and Cooperation, of the ministry of agriculture to support the state governments.
The “Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOS)” Scheme was launched with the main focus on Leveraging Economies of Scale in Production and Marketing with MARKETING with a View to Enhancing Prodecover to ENHANCING DE Through Efficient, Cost-Effective and Sustainable Resource Use For Ensuring Sustainable Income-Oriented Farming, Thus Helping in Reduction of Cost of Cost of Farm Production and Increase in Farmrs’.