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Incursions alongside Indo-Tibet border are by China, says Tibetan govt-in-exile

3 min read


KOLKATA:  Penpa Tsering, the Sikyong or President of the Tibetan Government-in-exile Tuesday asserted that each one incursions alongside the Indo-Tibetan border have been one-sided and by China.

In an interview with PTI, the President stated since Tibet had signed the treaty of 1914 which set the border between his homeland and India alongside the McMohan line, Tawang was an integral a part of India.

“We know incursions are happening all from the Chinese side,” Tsering stated right here. He was talking within the context of latest clashes at Tawang and at Ladakh between the Indian Army and China’s PLA.

“Till 1959, there was no border between India and China; it was with Tibet. We are signatories to the 1914 Simla agreement and we recognise the McMohan line as the legitimate border,” he stated.

The Sikyong or President is straight elected by the Tibetan diaspora residing in numerous components of the world ever since Tibetan refugees fled the “roof of the world” within the wake of the Dalai Lama’s escape from Lhasa to India.

“China’s belligerence is without any provocation from the Indian side,” the President stated, including that “India standing up to its position sends a very strong message to China.”

He identified that China has disputes with many Asian international locations and has been unwilling to settle them.

“When it comes to US-China relations, they (the Chinese) complain they are not treated as equals but when it comes to other countries in Asia,” they by no means deal with them equally, Tsering asserted.

He claimed China has a coverage of protecting sizzling spots like Taiwan and Tawang burning with a purpose to divert consideration to its personal failings.

He stated that China had not been profitable in protecting its financial momentum up and had not been capable of management the Covid scenario at house. “Now that the whole world has recovered, they want to export Covid again,” Tsering stated.

ALSO READ| China did not observe agreements with India, tried to ‘unilaterally change’ LAC: Jaishankar

KOLKATA:  Penpa Tsering, the Sikyong or President of the Tibetan Government-in-exile Tuesday asserted that each one incursions alongside the Indo-Tibetan border have been one-sided and by China.

In an interview with PTI, the President stated since Tibet had signed the treaty of 1914 which set the border between his homeland and India alongside the McMohan line, Tawang was an integral a part of India.

“We know incursions are happening all from the Chinese side,” Tsering stated right here. He was talking within the context of latest clashes at Tawang and at Ladakh between the Indian Army and China’s PLA.

“Till 1959, there was no border between India and China; it was with Tibet. We are signatories to the 1914 Simla agreement and we recognise the McMohan line as the legitimate border,” he stated.

The Sikyong or President is straight elected by the Tibetan diaspora residing in numerous components of the world ever since Tibetan refugees fled the “roof of the world” within the wake of the Dalai Lama’s escape from Lhasa to India.

“China’s belligerence is without any provocation from the Indian side,” the President stated, including that “India standing up to its position sends a very strong message to China.”

He identified that China has disputes with many Asian international locations and has been unwilling to settle them.

“When it comes to US-China relations, they (the Chinese) complain they are not treated as equals but when it comes to other countries in Asia,” they by no means deal with them equally, Tsering asserted.

He claimed China has a coverage of protecting sizzling spots like Taiwan and Tawang burning with a purpose to divert consideration to its personal failings.

He stated that China had not been profitable in protecting its financial momentum up and had not been capable of management the Covid scenario at house. “Now that the whole world has recovered, they want to export Covid again,” Tsering stated.

ALSO READ| China did not observe agreements with India, tried to ‘unilaterally change’ LAC: Jaishankar