September 20, 2024

Report Wire

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Health: Mobile addiction causes 10% of children to have twisted eyes and 18% of children to have poor eyesight

2 min read

During the Corona epidemic, state schools are studying online for children so that their educational work is not interrupted. Students who do not have laptops or computers at home are studying with the help of smartphones. But do you know that mobile is very harmful for children. Mobiles not only have an impact on children’s brains, but the use of more mobile phones causes great damage to children’s eyes.

According to a report released a few months ago, data from various ophthalmologists in the state shows that about 30 percent of the patients who come have dry eyes due to being in front of a large mobile screen, and most of them are affected by 1 Falling on children as young as 16 years old. Approximately 18% of children are rapidly losing sight of mobile. So in some cases 10 percent of children with eyeballs are found to be impaired due to excessive use of mobiles. According to an ophthalmologist, in the last 4 years the number of patients suffering from various eye problems due to mobiles has increased rapidly.

Talking about the impact of mobile usage on children, a nine-year-old child living in Ahmedabad used mobile for 3-4 hours a day. This child got used to playing games and watching cartoons on his mobile. Playing the game on mobile for 3 to 4 hours a day has caused problems in the child’s eye. The child also had difficulty in school, he told the teacher. When the teacher told the parents of the student about this, he did an eye test of the students and found out that at the age of 9, due to excessive mobile usage, the child’s eye was disturbed and his eyes were correct after the operation. Hui. Now the parents of this nine-year-old boy have stopped giving him mobile phones after an operation.

So the second case is of a 6-year-old girl from Ahmedabad. The 6-year-old girl used to play mobile games 5 to 6 hours a day. So he started having problems in writing. At the same time, the parents were looking at old pictures taken on her daughter’s birthday. One photo showed that there was a problem in his eye. He got the checkup done and then the doctor told about the eye problem and said that the girl was wearing glasses, but if there was no difference in the glasses in six months, she would have to undergo surgery.

The third case is of Botad. A 5-year-old child used to play games on his mobile for 5 to 7 hours every day and due to which the eyes of a 5-year-old child were having trouble due to continuous viewing on Meo mobile. When the child’s parents came to the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital to examine the child’s eyes, the doctors discovered that the child’s eyes were crooked due to excessive use of mobiles. If the child wants to keep their eyes correct, they will have to wear glasses.

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