September 20, 2024

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International commercial flights to be suspended till 31 August; Night curfew will continue in Punjab Unlock-3: 16.43 lakh cases in the country so far

4 min read
  • 783 people died on Thursday in the country, 35 thousand 786 people lost their lives so far.
  • On Thursday, Maharashtra received the highest 11,147 and Andhra Pradesh 10,167 patients.

The Punjab government has released a new guideline regarding Unlock 3. Night curfew will be imposed in the state from 11 am to 5 am. At the same time, gym and yoga institutes will be opened after 5 August. Meanwhile, the Director General of Civil Aviation has said that international commercial flights will remain suspended till 31 August.

The West Bengal government has extended the ban on flights to Kolkata from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Nagpur till August 15, in view of the increasing cases of corona in the state. Sources say that Corona has the highest number of patients in these cities. Therefore the state government has taken this decision. More than 67 thousand cases have been reported in Bengal.

On the other hand, the number of corona infected in the country has increased to 16 lakh 43 thousand 543. On Thursday, a record 54 thousand 750 patients were increased. At the same time, 37 thousand 425 patients also became healthy. 783 people succumbed to the disease in 24 hours. These figures are according to

Corona updates

  • The malls are opening in Mumbai from 5 August. Precautionary preparations have been made in malls. Director of Phoenix Mall in Kurla said – To make people feel safe coming here, we have installed sanitizing floor mats and density monitoring control system on the entrance.
  • The Ministry of Health released its figures on Friday morning. In the last 24 hours, 55 thousand 79 cases were reported. At the same time, 779 people died. Now 16 lakh 38 thousand 871 cases have been done in the country. There are 5 lakh 45 thousand 318 active cases. At the same time, 10 lakh 57 thousand 806 have become healthy. So far, 35 thousand 817 patients have died in the country.
  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Friday that till July 30, one crore 88 lakh 32 thousand 970 samples were tested in the country. At the same time, 6 lakh 42 thousand 588 tests were conducted in the country on Thursday. This is the largest figure ever.

India reached number five in the world in terms of deaths

In the case of deaths due to corona infection, India has now surpassed Italy to number 5. According to the website worldometers, 35 thousand 786 people have died from Corona in India till Friday morning. America (1 lakh 54 thousand 963), Brazil (91 thousand 263), Britain (45 thousand 999) and then Mexico (45 thousand 361) are at the forefront of deaths from Corona. There have been 35 thousand 132 deaths in Italy.

State of 5 states
: Madhya Pradesh: The rate of infection in the state has increased more than three times in July. Between June 1 and June 30, 5592 positive patients of corona were found in the state. While 17315 patients of Corona have been found in 30 days in July. These are more than three times that of the previous month.

During this time two and a half times patients have increased in Bhopal. As of June 30, there were 3029 patients, out of which 1432 patients were found only in the month of June. While 3587 positives were found in July.

The state government has issued orders to close all government and private schools in the state till 31 August. At the same time, the state Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan said, “Private schools will not charge fees other than tuition fees from students due to the Corona crisis. The education department will ensure that if the parents are not able to pay the fees, then their child’s name should not be removed from the school under any circumstances. ‘

Maharashtra: The government extended the lockdown in the state till 31 August. On the other hand, a record 11 thousand 147 people got positive in the state on Thursday. With this, the number of infected people has now reached 4 lakh 11 thousand 798.

Rajasthan: From September 1, all religious places in the state will be opened to the common people. The government has asked them to start preparations to open religious places with social distancing and health protocols from now on.

In a month, the highest number of 3898 new patients came in Jodhpur. As of 30 June, there were 2793 patients in Jodhpur, now 6691. In the last one month, there were 3283 patients in Alwar, a 625% increase in patients in a month. There were 525 total infected in Alwar on 30 June which has now increased to 3807. A month ago, there were 3318 patients in Jaipur, which has now increased to 5255. Total 1937 increase.

Bihar: On Thursday, the number of corona sample investigations in the state crossed 20 thousand. A record 20801 samples were examined in a single day so far. The number of investigations has increased by three thousand as compared to Wednesday. A total of 17794 samples were investigated on Wednesday.

Till June 30, a total of 2 lakh 20 thousand 890 corona tests were conducted in the state, while a total of 3 lakh 4 thousand 540 tests were conducted till Thursday in July. Statistics show that 58% of the total tests done so far in the state is 5 lakh 25 thousand 430, i.e. the test was held in the month of July itself.

Uttar Pradesh: 3705 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the state during the last 24 hours. This is by far the largest number of new patients to grow. There are now 32,649 active cases in the state. However, 46,803 people have recovered and gone home.

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