September 19, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

More than 20 complaints are reaching the cyber crime cell every day, but only 30 FIRs have been registered in six months

2 min read

Symbolic picture.


Cases of fraud worth lakhs remain just complaint applications. FIRs are lodged only on those cases which are easy to solve. After complaint, one has to make rounds of police station and bank.

Navdunia Representative. Cyber ​​​​thugs adopt new methods every day and take away people’s hard-earned money in one go. When the victim approaches the police in the hope of taking action against the thugs and getting his money back, his complaint becomes just a complaint application, the police do not even give it the form of an FIR.

In the last six months, more than 20 cyber crime victims are reaching Bhopal’s cyber crime cell every day with their complaints, but in these six months, the cyber police has registered FIRs in only 30 cases. The slow functioning of the police on cyber crime not only increases the morale of the criminals, but people’s trust in the police is also decreasing.

FIR should be lodged only on those cases which are easy to solve

There are queues of cyber fraud victims every day in the cyber crime cell located in Kohefiza. But to keep the records of the cyber cell clean, the police register FIRs only in those cases which are considered easy to solve or which have links with the previous cases. This is the reason that only 30 FIRs have been registered in the cyber crime cell this year despite thousands of complaints.

After complaining, one has to make rounds of the police station and the bank

When victims of online fraud approach the cyber cell with their grievances, they are sent to the local police station and bank. As per the rules, only cases of fraud of Rs 25,000 or less are registered in the local police station. But many times, despite the fraud of more than Rs 25,000, the cyber crime cell sends them to the local police station for FIR.

They say that

The scope of cyber crime is increasing, the police is making every effort to deal with it. Cases are not registered on all complaints in the cyber crime cell, for this it is necessary to confirm them first.

Sujit Tiwari, ACP, Cyber ​​Crime