UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, who visited Prayagraj to review the preparations for the Mahakumbh on Tuesday, said that it is the administration’s duty to ensure the wellbeing of everyone—whether they are Indians or foreigners, NRIs, or residents of Prayagraj—without any discrimination. He made it clear that the safety and convenience of every pilgrim and tourist at Mahakumbh is the state government’s foremost priority. He underlined the need for further strengthening disaster management, cyber security, fire safety, ghat security, and emergency medical services during Mahakumbh. He said that all security agencies must remain vigilant and active 24×7. Focussing on the importance of enhanced intelligence measures, the CM Yogi directed officers concerned to ensure effective deployment of antidrone systems. He also asked the officials to make people aware about cyber threats, besides identifying and taking actions against fake websites and apps exploiting the Mahakumbh theme. Expressing his concern over reports of fraudulent activities by groups or individuals collecting money in the name of Mahakumbh, he gave instructions to the police to identify and take strict action against those involved in such frauds.
He also reviewed the progress of different works undertaken by various departments. He instructed the authorities concerned to expedite the police verification of all street vendors, autorickshaw, and erickshaw drivers. He gave focus on the systematic traffic management on all interdistrict routes leading to Prayagraj.
Mela Adhikari Vijay Kiran Anand informed the CM Yogi that land allotment for revered Akharas, Mahamandaleshwar, Khalsa, Dandibara, Khakchowk, and other institutions has been completed. The process for allotment to Prayagwal and other new institutions is ongoing. Expressing satisfaction with the progress, CM Yogi emphasized the importance of respecting the sentiments of Akharas, saints, and sadhus. He instructed officials to maintain regular communication with them to address their concerns. Key infrastructure updates include completion of 28 pontoon bridges, 610 signages, 494.30 km of DIP line for drinking water, 304 km of GIP line, 4,270 drinking water stand posts, over 176 km of drainage clearance, 54,700 streetlights, 173 km of HT line, 1,280 km of LT line, and 206 electricity substations.