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Pratap Bhanu Mehta melts like candle wax after resigning from Ashoka University. So do his supporters

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The exit of Pratap Bhanu Mehta from Ashoka University and the following resignation of Arvind Subramanian has led to a meltdown of the left-liberal intelligentsia of the nation. From teachers like Raghuram Rajan, who jumped for American citizenship on the first alternative however is now extra involved about educational freedom in India, to compulsive critics like Siddharth Varadarajan, everybody expressed ‘concern’ over the alleged shrinking area for educational freedom within the nation.Rajan, who prefers LinkedIn over Twitter to specific his views, declared that this is because of “outside pressure”.  “…Ashoka’s founders have succumbed to outside pressure to get rid of a troublesome critic,” he argued.Read More: Ashoka University Fiasco: After destroying central universities, left liberal intelligentsia has its eyes set on non-public universities“The reality is that professor Mehta is a thorn in the side of the establishment. He is no ordinary thorn because he skewers those in government and in high offices like the Supreme Court with vivid prose and thought-provoking arguments,” Mr Rajan mentioned.Pratap Bhanu Mehta & Arvind Subramanian quitting Ashoka University is unhappy information. The finest minds are combative minds, vital minds. If we will not tolerate that, we injury creativity. The final loser is the nation–its economic system & progress. There are sufficient examples all over the world.— Kaushik Basu (@kaushikcbasu) March 18, 2021 Kaushik Basu took to Twitter to specific his grief over the loss to the nation as a result of resignation of Mehta. “Pratap Bhanu Mehta & Arvind Subramanian quitting Ashoka University is sad news. The best minds are combative minds, critical minds. If we can’t tolerate that, we damage creativity. The ultimate loser is the nation–its economy & growth. There are enough examples around the world,” he tweeted.Pratap Mehta has single handedly raised the bar of public discourse in India.His mid-semester “resignation” reveals we have entered subsequent part of suppression of concepts, that there aren’t any “safe heavens” for dissenters, not even in non-public univs.What/who subsequent?— Yogendra Yadav (@_YogendraYadav) March 17, 2021 Yogendra Yadav declared that we now have reached the following part of suppression of concepts and questioned who can be subsequent after Mehta. “Pratap Mehta has single handedly raised the bar of public discourse in India. His mid-semester ‘resignation’ shows we’ve entered next phase of suppression of ideas, that there are no ‘safe heavens’ for dissenters, not even in private universities.”What/who subsequent?” he tweeted.Who wants Pratap Bhanu Mehta when we now have spouses of main industrialists out there to show our college students. Stop outraging over trivial points.— Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) March 19, 2021 Rana Ayyub tried to look sarcastic and tweeted, “Who needs Pratap Bhanu Mehta when we have spouses of leading industrialists available to teach our students. Stop outraging over trivial issues.”.@pbmehta who resigned as Prof of Ashoka Univ,mentioned this when he resigned as VC. “India is ruled by a regime whose sole raison d’etre is to seek out an adversarial rallying level&crush it by brute drive. It now legitimises itself,not by its accomplishments.”— Prashant Bhushan (@pbhushan1) March 17, 2021 Prashant Bhushan, among the most eminent of the eminent intellectuals, obviously did not miss the chance and used Karan Thapar’s interview in which Mehta said “colloquially speaking this is a fascist government” to express grief over the state of the country.“India is governed by a regime whose sole raison d’etre is to find an adversarial rallying point&crush it by brute force. It now legitimises itself,not by its accomplishments,” tweeted Bhushan.Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s resignation and the subsequent fallout only highlights the hollowness of academic freedom in India and the fate that awaits those critical of the current regime. The BJP government is thin skinned when it comes to criticism. My piece— Nidhi Razdan (@Nidhi) March 21, 2021Nidhi Razdan, who cannot differentiate between real mail and fake mail, wrote an article on the issue in Gulf news and posted it on Twitter with the caption that the BJP government is thin on criticism. “Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s resignation and the subsequent fallout only highlights the hollowness of academic freedom in India and the fate that awaits those critical of the current regime. The BJP government is thin skinned when it comes to criticism,” she tweeted. A wise and brave man invoked Locke in an attempt to make sense of Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s unfortunate exit from Ashoka University:”What’s the purpose of writing if nobody needs to chop your head off for it”So here is wishing extra energy to Pratap’s pen!— Siddharth (@svaradarajan) March 17, 2021 Siddharth Varadarajan wished extra energy to Pratap’s Pen and tweeted, “A wise and brave man invoked Locke in an attempt to make sense of Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s unfortunate exit from Ashoka University:“What’s the point of writing if no one wants to cut your head off for it”So right here’s wishing extra energy to Pratap’s pen!”Mehta, who has tried to advance the left-liberal thought on the Ashoka University, resigned from the put up of Vice-chancellor in July 2019, a number of months after the Modi authorities was elected to energy with a fair greater majority.“The contemporary world has unsettled so many of our political and philosophical assumptions, and I increasingly felt the need to reorient myself academically. Hence, the decision to step down,” mentioned Mehta in his resignation letter.Read More: Pratap Bhanu Mehta walked out of Ashoka University as a result of he was all set to be kicked out if he did notBefore the whopping electoral verdict of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Pratap Bhanu Mehta had been heard saying, “The last five years have been a mutilation of the Indian soul,” he mentioned. “They stand for everything that is un-Indian,” and “against every promise that this democracy gave to each one of its citizens.”The ‘values’ left-liberals held expensive discover no resonance with the values held by the fashionable political class which holds the governments in many of the nations all over the world, and this has made folks like Mehta irrelevant within the trendy political discourse.