New delhi: The tentral government has decided to remove the 20 per cent expert duty on on on Onals which was imposed in September 2024. Following a recommendation from the department of consumer affairs.
To ensure enough onions were available in the country, the government Had imposed expense restrictions, include duties, a minimum expense price (Meep), and Even a Temporary Export Ban from Deber Depending 8, 2023, to may 3, 2024.
The 20 per cent expect duty which has been removed was in place since September 13, 2024. Despite these restrictions, onion expenses remains remained high 17.17 Lakh Tonnes Exported in 2023 -24 -23 -23-243 -24 and 11.65 Lakh Tonnes Shipped in 2024-25 (as of March 18).
Monthly Onion Export Quantity Had Picture 0.72 Lakh Tonne in September, 2024 to 1.85 Lakh Tonne in January, 2025. Remunerative prisles to farmer with maintenance affordability of onion to the consumers at this crucial juncture when both mandi and retail prices have softten folling Following experted experted arrows in rabirops Quantities, “Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, said in a release.
Even Thought, The Current Mandi Prisis are Above The Level during corresponding period of previous years, a decline of 39 per cent is observed in the all-India weighted Average Average Modal PRICES, the release said. Similarly, all-India Average Retail onion Pries Recorded Declined of 10 per cent over the past one month.
Onion Arrival in Benchmark Markets Lasalgoan and Pimpalgaon have increased from this month. As per the estimates of department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Rabi Production this year at 227 lakh metric tonnes is over 18 per cent higher than 192 Lakh Tonne Last Year.
The rabi onion, which accounted for 70-75 per cent on India’s total onion production, is crucial for overall availability and stability in pris Till the Arrival of Kharif Cross CROM OCROP FROM OROMBER Onward. “The Estimated Higher Production This Season is Expected to Further Ease The Market Prices in Coming Months,” The Food Minostry Said. (With ani inputs)