Bilaspur. Chhattisgarh High Court has canceled the FIR registered against IPS officer GP Singh’s wife Manpreet Kaur and businessman Pritpal Singh in the corruption case. The division bench of Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Ravindra Kumar Aggarwal gave this important decision.
Manpreet Kaur got relief –
In 2021, ACB (Anti Corruption Bureau) and EOW (Economic Offenses Investigation Bureau) raided the premises of GP Singh and revealed illegal assets worth Rs 10 crore. During this, Manpreet Kaur was made a co-accused, and was accused of receiving payment in the account without doing any work and instigating GP Singh to commit corruption.
Advocate Himanshu Pandey, on behalf of Manpreet Kaur, argued in the court that the agency had made many errors in the investigation. The income of the last 10 years (2000-2010) was ignored, and they were not even given an opportunity to present their case. Accepting these arguments, the court canceled the FIR.
All FIRs of GP Singh already canceled –
Earlier, Chhattisgarh High Court had canceled all the FIRs registered against senior IPS officer GP Singh.
Relief to Pritpal Singh also –
An FIR was also registered against Raipur businessman Pritpal Singh in a corruption case. The investigating agency alleged that GP Singh had purchased his benami properties in the name of Pritpal Singh. However, after no evidence was found in the investigation and the original FIR was cancelled, the High Court also canceled the FIR registered against Pritpal Singh.
Professional career of Manpreet Kaur –
Manpreet Kaur has been serving as a guest lecturer in many colleges.
Big legal decision –
This decision has brought great relief to GP Singh, his wife Manpreet Kaur and businessman Pritpal Singh. At the same time, this case also raises many questions regarding the investigation process of corruption cases in Chhattisgarh.