Raipur 13 November 2024/Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev will release the state's new Industrial Development Policy 2024-30 in a program organized at Mayfair Lake Resort, Nava Raipur Atal Nagar on 14 November at 6.30 pm. Industries Minister Shri Lakhan Lal Dewangan will preside over the program. Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao and Shri Vijay Sharma will be present in the program as special guests.
Agriculture Minister Shri Ramvichar Netam, Food Minister Shri Dayal Das Baghel, Forest and Climate Change Minister Shri Kedar Kashyap, Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Finance Minister Shri O.P. were present in the program. Chaudhary, Women and Child Development Minister Smt. Lakshmi Rajwade, Sports Minister Shri Tankaram Verma, Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahant will be present as special guests.
It is noteworthy that Chhattisgarh's new Industrial Development Policy 2024-2030 was approved in the cabinet meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai on October 28. In this, the Government of Chhattisgarh has made many provisions with the aim of realizing the vision of Vision 2047 of the Government of India and accelerating the industrial development of the state.
उल्लेखनीय है कि नई औद्योगिक नीति को उद्योग विभाग द्वारा संबंधित सभी हितपक्षों, औद्योगिक संगठन, औद्योगिक समूहों, संबंधित विभागों के साथ संवाद एवं गहन विचार-विमर्श कर तैयार किया गया है।