Raipur. Dr. Dinesh Mishra, Chairman of Superstition Removal Committee, said that a case of cutting of tongue and offering it in the temple has come to light in Sakti district. A 16 year old girl cut her tongue and offered it to the Shivalinga in the Shiva temple in village Devarghata of Dabhra block. Villagers and people from nearby areas are gathering to see the girl. This temple is situated in Sonthi Para of Devarghata.
Let us tell you that before this, a person from Balrampur district, Kamlesh Nageshiya, had sacrificed his 4 year old child. A few days before that, during Navratri also, a case of sacrifice of a child named Dhaneshwar had come to light in Koriya district. These incidents are extremely tragic due to superstition. Villagers should not believe in superstition and should not take law into their hands.
Dr. Dinesh Mishra said that by falling into superstition, a person becomes mentally unbalanced and starts relying completely on myths. Tales, stories, misleading news and rumors heard somewhere confuse him even more and he commits a crime.Dr. Dinesh Mishra said that there is a need to develop scientific attitude among the people, so that people do not trust hearsay incidents, rumors and misleading news and do not fall into superstition.
Dr. Dinesh Mishra said that in some cases, people also talk about seeing a dream of a favorite deity and asking for a sacrifice in the dream and say that they have sacrificed someone on their orders. Whereas people need to think that no person can be successful by taking someone’s life and ultimately has to go to jail because of committing a crime.
Dr. Dinesh Mishra said that a person who goes into mental turmoil due to superstition, then many times he also talks about some invisible power entering inside him and he also talks about coming in someone’s dream or giving someone’s order or He also talks about hearing noises in the ears. Whereas this is the cause of a kind of mental deviation. It is a symbol of monthly balance and many people are very sensitive and out of passion they take law into their own hands. Some of these people also display unbalanced behavior in public, like swinging, mumbling, hitting, etc.
Dr. Dinesh Mishra, Chairman of the Superstition Removal Committee, said that no one is ever happy with this kind of devotion. Nor is any such method mentioned in the scriptures. Do devotion with true wishes, everyone will always get happiness and prosperity. Gods and Goddesses never demand any animal sacrifice. If you have faith in any God or Goddess, then worship them, but sacrificing any living being or cutting off any part of yourself and offering it to God is a superstition. This has also been considered a legal offence. There are many important parts of our body, people cut their tongue, fingers and dedicate them in religious places, after which they become crippled for life.
In such a situation, if a doctor is consulted, he is treated and he is counseled in all respects, then the person gets cured and can prove useful to the society.
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