Bijapur. A heart-wrenching incident has come to light from Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. The body of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, who was missing for the last three days, has been recovered from a septic tank in Chattanpara area, located 2 km from his house and 5 km from Bijapur police station. After receiving information about the dead body, the police reached the spot, surrounded it and started investigation. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai has expressed grief over this incident.
CM Vishnudev Sai tweeted on Twitter, ‘The news of the murder of young and dedicated journalist Mukesh Chandrakar of Bijapur is extremely sad and heartbreaking. Mukesh’s demise is an irreparable loss for the journalism world and society. The culprit of this incident will not be spared under any circumstances. We have given instructions to arrest the criminals as soon as possible and give them the harshest punishment. I pray to God to grant peace to the departed soul at His holy feet and provide strength to the bereaved family in this hour of grief.
The news of the murder of young and dedicated journalist Mukesh Chandrakar ji of Bijapur is extremely sad and heartbreaking.
Mukesh ji’s demise is an irreparable loss for the journalism world and society.
The culprit of this incident will not be spared under any circumstances. Arrest the criminals as soon as possible and take strict action…
— Vishnu Deo Sai (@vishnudsai) January 3, 2025 Serious injuries found on body
In the Panchnama conducted by the police, many serious injuries were found on the body. The body was strangled to death by hitting it seven times on the head with a sharp weapon and by hitting it on the forehead with a tangiya. The body has been kept in the mortuary of District Hospital, Bijapur.
SP Dr. Jitendra Yadav told the media that we were investigating based on the location in Chattan Para at 5 pm. On the basis of suspicion, there was a septic tank near the yard of contractor Suresh Chandrakar, which was broken with a JCB. Where the body of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar has been recovered, the police is investigating from every angle and all the suspects will be arrested soon.