September 21, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Raipur: Four-month-old baby girl will get mother’s lap with the initiative of State Women’s Commission

1 min read

Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak, Chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Commission for Women, held a public hearing on Thursday in the Commission’s office at Jalwahar, Raipur, on issues related to harassment of women from various districts. The cases presented were related to physical abuse, mental torture, dowry harassment, property dispute etc. Hearing an episode, the chairman of the commission said that it is wrong to keep a four-month-old girl away from her mother. The mother is absolutely required for the complete care of the child. On the advice of the Commission, the child’s father agreed to submit it to the mother the very next day.

       In another case, a woman resident of Raipur complained to the Commission about her elder son being mentally tortured. Hearing the case, the Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Nayak, asked the elder son to abstain from the property of the father.
       In the same way, the matter of harassment of the retired professors of women college in Bhilai by premature retirement came before the Commission. The professors have not been paid their salary for the month of September. The chairman of the commission asked the management to pay salaries within a week. During the hearing, other guidelines including social distancing and physical distancing were followed in view of corona infection.