September 20, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Shri Deepak Jaiswal became successful entrepreneur by taking loan from Prime Minister Employment Generation Program

1 min read

The Prime Minister Employment Generation Program has been targeted to reach the end of the society in which under the scheme, Prime Minister Employment Generation Program to Mr. Deepak Jaiswal, under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Program by State Bank of India, Gidam District Dantewada, loan of Rs. 6.50 lakhs. It was prepared and sent from the industry center. After receiving the loan, today Mr. Deepak Jaiswal is currently running a fabrication work (engineering workshop) successfully, his case was sent to State Bank of India Geidam, whose loan amount was 6.50 lakhs, he has received a margin money of Rs 1.62 lakhs. Mr. Deepak Jaiswal He got a loan under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Program in the financial year 2018.He has emerged as a successful entrepreneur today.
Mr. Deepak Jaiswal had to face a lot of difficulty in the beginning but Mr. Jaiswal did not give up and continued to work and has emerged as a successful entrepreneur today and he has increased his work as well as with the fabrication of this tactical fence. Even today, their income ranges from 50 thousand to 60 thousand. Mr. Deepak Jaiswal is also trying to put the engineering workshop elsewhere, and the case was prepared from District Trade and Industry Center Dantewada and sent to State Bank of India Geidam Bank.