Bijapur :- The accused contractor Suresh Chandrakar, who was absconding after the murder of Bijapur journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, has been arrested by the SIT team from Hyderabad last night. Which is being brought with itself to Bijapur. Where further action will be taken. On the other hand, the police has arrested Suresh’s wife from Kanker district. Three accused involved in the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, Ritesh Chandrakar, Dinesh Chandrakar and Mahendra Ramteke, have already been arrested and sent to jail. The main accused Suresh Chandrakar, who was absconding since the incident, has also been caught by the SIT team. Police has seized some bank accounts of Suresh Chandrakar. The administration had illegally built a construction dumping yard on government land by Suresh Chandrakar. Recently, the administration removed him by driving a JCB.
Maoists issued press note on journalist murder
For your information, let us tell you that Maoist spokesperson Samta has issued a press note regarding the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar. In which Maoists have strongly condemned the murder of the journalist and have also expressed regret. Demanded investigation into the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar.