Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai participated in the 73rd annual session of the Brihan Maharashtra Mandal. Prominent members of the Marathi community were honored.
Raipur, January 11, 2025 // Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai participated in the three-day 73rd annual session of the Brihan Maharashtra Mandal held in Choube Colony, Raipur. He announced financial assistance of ₹10 lakh for the successful organization of this important session. On this occasion, Chief Minister Shri Sai honored prominent members of the Marathi community who achieved special accomplishments by presenting them with mementos and praised their contributions to society.
Chief Minister Shri Sai began his address by paying homage to the pioneers of the Marathi community. He said that there is an unbreakable bond between Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, reflected in their cultural relations. Being neighboring states, this connection is even more natural. Shri Sai, mentioning the era of CP Berar, said that during that time, Nagpur was the capital of both regions, and representatives were nominated. My grandfather, the late Buddhanath Sai, was a nominated MLA, and my memories hold a natural connection with Maharashtra. Shri Sai recalled the virtues of Marathi society’s luminaries, including Balasaheb Deshpande, founder of the Akhil Bharatiya Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram. He said that Shri Deshpande, throughout his life, adhered to the resolution he had taken. He dedicated his life to raising the living standards of the tribals.
The Chief Minister said that on this very day last year, Lord Ramlala resided in his temple. He extended his best wishes to everyone on this auspicious day. He said that the commencement of your session on this holy day will certainly make it successful in its objectives. On this occasion, the Chief Minister also released the souvenir of the Marathi Mandal’s annual session.
The Chief Minister said that the selfless people of the Maharashtra Mandal have made a special contribution in the field of education and other areas of public service. The Chief Minister said that we feel proud to honor talented individuals from this platform who have ensured their participation in various fields including literature, art, social welfare, health, and environmental protection. He said that the confluence of the cultures of Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, the brotherhood, and the sense of respect for each other inspire us to work together for the betterment of society. The contribution of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in protecting Sanatan Dharma can never be forgotten. Our government is continuously working for the development of all sections. With education and health, along with the new industrial policy, we are moving towards becoming a developed state with the spirit of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas’. Such events should continue to happen to understand the traditions and culture of neighboring states along with Chhattisgarhi culture.
On this occasion, MLA Shri Rajesh Moont, MLA Shri Sunil Soni, MLA Shri Motilal Sahu, President of Brihan Maharashtra Mandal Shri Milind Mahajan, President of Raipur Maharashtra Mandal Shri Ajay Kale, Dr. Rampra tap Singh and Dr. Sunil Kirwai, along with a large number of people from the society, were present.