Crime News: Jamshedpur-Masked Chor gang once again broke the lock of six flats closed in Rock Garden Society located in Prakash Nagar of Govindpur police station area and stole jewelry worth about Rs 35 lakh and about one and a half lakh rupees in cash. Thieves also took the gold medal from MM Mahato’s flat at the President’s Award. The thief gang has carried out a big incident of third theft in the last two days. The incident took place late Monday night. After the theft incident, the people of the society created a ruckus. After receiving information about the theft, Govindpur police, forensic team and DSP City Sunil Chaudhary reached the spot. Investigated the incident of theft in all flats. The thief gang has carried out the theft incident by breaking the lock of flat number 304, Pal Babu of 401 and Ram Kumar Singh of 403 of Topaz block of the society. Jewelry and cash have been stolen from the house of MM Mahato of Block Emerold’s Flat No-104, Padma Lochan Mishra of 201 and Anil Kumar Mishra of 303. The forensic team has taken another sample of finger prints from many places. The picture of the thief gang has also been captured in a CCTV camera.
What do the victims say
In connection with the incident, Padmalochan Mishra of flat number 201 told that his village is in Haldipokhar. Both husband and wife went to the village a few days ago. On Tuesday, there was a ruckus in the society over the incident of theft. After that, his daughter, who lives in the same society, reached there and informed about the theft. The thieves broke all the cupboards and took jewelry worth about 12 lakh rupees and some cash. His wife fainted after coming to the society. He told that the entire jewel of his daughter was also kept with him.
Seven lakh jewelry stolen from his house
Anil Kumar Sinha told on the phone that he is a retired employee of Tata Motors. His wife is a teacher in Odisha. For this reason, they were living in Odisha. They came to Chhath. The neighbor informed about the theft on the phone. He told that jewelry worth about 7 lakh rupees has been stolen from his house. Ram Kumar Singh has gone to his son to Bengaluru. Nearly four lakh rupees of jewelry has been stolen from his house. Apart from this, thieves have stolen jewelry and other goods from Pal Babu and flat number 304.
Thieves also took the gold medal in the President’s Award
MM Mahato of flat number 104 of Emerld Block told that they had gone to their village Dhalbhumgarh. He received information about the theft from the neighbor. He told that the thieves have stolen jewelry worth about two lakh rupees and about one lakh rupees in cash. He said that in the year 1986, he secured first place in Tata Apprentice’s All India Skill Competition. In which he was given a gold medal by the President. The thieves also stole the presidential medal. Apart from this, he also had many silver medals. He was also stolen.
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