Bariatu. Chief Shanti Devi has opposed the selection of Anganwadi worker in Itke village under Tonti Panchayat of the block. In this regard, an application has been made to the Deputy Commissioner and a demand has been made to investigate the entire matter and hold a Gram Sabha and make a selection. According to the head, rules and procedures have been violated in the selection of maids in Anganwadi Center-1 of ITK. In the selection process, neither a Gram Sabha was held nor any information was given to the public representative, Panchayat representative or villagers. Sheela Devi was arbitrarily selected for the post of maid. This is contrary to the Panchayati Raj Act and the rules of Anganwadi Sevak selection process. The chief has demanded that this matter should be investigated impartially and action should be taken against the culprits. Also, the controversial selection process should be canceled and the Gram Sabha should be organized again and the maid should be selected in a transparent manner. It is noteworthy that even before this the selection of maids of Anganwadi center had been canceled due to controversy. Despite this, irregularities have come to light in the re-selection process.