Raghubar Das News: Former Chief Minister of Jharkhand Raghubar Das has said that he is the CM and will always be the CM. Yes. Senior leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Raghuvar Das, who recently resigned from the post of Governor of Odisha, has said this. He has said that he is going to return to active politics once again on Friday (January 10, 2025). He is going to make his debut in the organization as a common worker of BJP. While talking to journalists in Ranchi, Raghuvar Das said that he is the CM and will always be the CM. He also told the full form of CM. Said- CM means common man. A person whom anyone can meet at any time.
Raghuvar Das will take membership of BJP on January 10.
Raghuvar Das said that whatever responsibility the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has assigned him so far, he has discharged it with full devotion. He will continue to do the same in future also and on January 10, he is going to take membership of the party again. Whatever work the party assigns to him, he will do it. The former Chief Minister of Jharkhand said that he will work as an ordinary worker in the party. If given any responsibility, we will accept it as a loyal worker.
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Raghuvar Das said- CM means common man
Raghuvar Das said that he has repeatedly said that he is the CM and will remain so. CM means common man. When once again asked about returning to active politics, he said that he never tied himself to any one end. Was the Chief Minister of Jharkhand and Governor of Odisha. Always thought about how to help common people. During his 14-month tenure as Governor of Odisha, he always kept the doors of Raj Bhavan open for the common people.
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Raghuvar Das announced movement against conversion
Even before joining active politics, Raghuvar Das has announced that he will protest against religious conversion in Jharkhand. He said that conversion is taking place on a large scale in Jharkhand. There is no one to stop it. There is a conspiracy to destroy the tribal society through religious conversion. He won’t let that happen. Will go to every village and launch a movement to stop religious conversion. Will people ask who is behind this? Why is there a conspiracy to systematically erase the identity of tribals and indigenous people? When Raghuvar Das was the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, he had presented a stringent bill against religious conversion in the Jharkhand Assembly.
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