Ranchi: Jharkhand’s first Chief Minister and BJP state president Babulal Marandi has once again opened a front against the Jharkhand government on the issue of food security. He has accused the government of wasting the sugar given to poor families. This powerful leader of the party has asked two questions to Chief Minister Hemant Soren. Social media users have also enjoyed this post of Babulal.
Hemant government refused to provide sugar to 9 lakh poor families: Babulal Marandi
Babulal Marandi wrote on social media handle X that the serious situation of food security in Jharkhand has been exposed. The Hemant government has refused to provide sugar to about 9 lakh poor families. He further wrote that during the last three years i.e. from January 2022 to December 2024, sugar was distributed only in 24 months out of 36. In 2022, sugar was not distributed even once in many districts. This year too, in many parts of the state, only 37.66% families have received sugar.
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Babulal Marandi asked these two questions
Asking a question to Hemant Soren, Babulal Marandi wrote on his social media handle For how long will the sweetness of the poor be snatched away and the bitter sip of corruption be served to them?
X users enjoyed this post of Babulal Marandi
Ex-users have also enjoyed this post of Babulal Marandi. A user named Naveen wrote that eating sugar is not good for health. A user named Donka Laguri wrote that rural people take sugar only during festivals. Because they believe that sugar causes sugar. A user named AJ Tuddu wrote that JMM government knows that the people here consume only country made liquor, so what is the use of sugar? Who will drink tea?
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