September 16, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

MP demands early Covid shots for those in transport sector

2 min read

Mahesh Poddar, a Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand, wrote to Union health minister Harsh Vardhan on Thursday, suggesting that those engaged in the public transport sector be included in the priority list of Covid-19 vaccination in the first phase since they were part of essential services that drive the nation’s economy.

“Individuals employed in public transportation are essential actors in the nation’s economy. Be it those driving private platforms, chartered, or public taxis, buses, autos, trucks, vans, shuttles, tempos and tourist vehicles, tram, metro rail, rickshaw, or those who are train operators, sailors, airline pilots, and the attendants on board any of these vehicles, these employees are the reason why citizens across the country are able to commute seamlessly and comfortably amid the ongoing pandemic,” he wrote.

Jharkhand has so far identified 1 lakh frontline workers, mostly doctors and health workers, for the first round of vaccinations. Once frontline workers are vaccinated, the state will start vaccination of senior citizens and the ones with comorbid conditions.

He added that by continuing to tirelessly do their jobs, their personal health and safety, as well as that of their loved ones, were at risk. “Covid-19 being a highly contagious airborne disease their exposure to thousands of people on a daily basis exponentially multiplies that risk. Their contact with large numbers means that they have the potential to become super-spreaders of the virus,” he said.

“It is with such concerns in mind that I urge you to consider prioritizing those employed in the crucial transportation sector for vaccination, once the trial and approval procedures are completed. Not only will it prevent the potential spread of the virus through these individuals who come in contact with so many people on a daily basis,” he appealed.