Satish Dubey, Dabra (Gwalior) After friendship on social media, a man came to meet his female friend at her house and found her alone and raped her. The incident took place in Bhitarwar police station area of Gwalior. The victim of the incident reached the police station and complained about the matter. Police have registered a case on the complaint of the victim and started searching for the accused.
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Giving information, Additional Superintendent of Police Niranjan Sharma said that the woman, resident of Bhitarwar police station area, had got acquainted with a young man through social media and during this time he also took some photos and videos of her and after asking the address of the woman’s house, he went to her house. Come bang. After finding the woman alone at home, the accused forcibly raped her by threatening to make her photo and video viral.
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The victim woman informed the police about the matter but neither the name nor the address of the accused was known to her, which was later given by the woman. Based on the information, the police has identified the accused as Bhonda Rawat, a resident of Karera police station area. The police have registered crimes against the accused under other sections including rape and have started searching for him.