Mukesh Sen, Tikamgarh. Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Uma Bharti reached Tikamgarh on Thursday. Where he narrated his memoirs related to Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya. The former CM said that Ramrajya will come only when everyone lives fearlessly, everyone will get the bread of respect and a life of respect. For this we will work day and night. That’s why you guys have been called here. Need your blessings and cooperation. He has also given a statement regarding contesting the Lok Sabha elections.
BJP’s fire brand leader Uma Bharti participated in the Shri Ram remembrance program at the farm house in Tikamgarh. During this, he narrated his memoirs related to Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya. Praising the Chief Minister of the state, Dr. Mohan Yadav, he said that the limit for liquor shops has been made one and a half kilometers instead of 500 meters. This has been done very well. Along with this, he said that I have told the Chief Minister to make an action plan so that the cow should no longer be a burden to us but should become a support.
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On the question of contesting the Lok Sabha elections, Uma Bharti said that those mentioned in Adhodhya are so important for us. It was enough for him to say that I cannot leave the work of Ganga. The work of cleaning Ganga is still incomplete. My resolution is that how can I make Ganga completely clean and uninterrupted.
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After the program, Uma Bharti, while answering the questions of the media, said that this time BJP will get 400 seats in the Lok Sabha elections and the opposition will be completely eliminated in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Because the opposition people are not able to become an alternative to BJP in front of the public.
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