Kumar Inder, Jabalpur. Bargi police station of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh has arrested an impostor Baba. This Baba used to cheat people in the name of worship. A similar case had come to light when on January 16, a woman had lodged a complaint at Bargi police station that in the name of curing her husband, a Baba had given away her jewelery worth lakhs.
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Poonam Sahu has given a written complaint that her husband Rakesh Sahu had an accident and was admitted to the hospital for treatment. There he met a Panditji who told his name as Arvind Pandey. During the treatment, her husband was having tremors, so the alleged Pandit looked at the husband and said that he was affected by outside air. If I make him a talisman, he will be fine. After a few days, the impostor Baba came to the woman’s house and asked where her jewelery was, to which she said that it was at home. So she said bring the jewelery to me and keep it. For the safety of her husband and child, she left with them three pairs of gold earrings, a big necklace, 2 mangalsutras, 2 rings, 4 bangles, 1 panchali, 1 hai, 2 silver bangles. He brought a small anklet, a big anklet, bangles belonging to two children and kept them in front.
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The impostor Baba told the woman to put all the jewelery on this red cloth and then said to sprinkle water in all four corners of the house and burn incense sticks, she got misled and started burning the incense sticks and when she came back, Baba tied a red cloth and then gave it to her. He rotated the incense stick and said, take it inside and keep it in the box and open it after 21 days, your husband and child will be fine. He took the bundle given by Arvind Pandey inside the house and kept it in the box. Arvind Pandey had told her to take this bundle to her maternal home and open it. After 2 months, she went to her maternal home Sunwara Charagawa and when she opened the bundle in front of her mother, she found only a pair of anklets and a small coconut in the bundle. She had no other jewellery. .
The alleged impostor Baba Arvind Pandey cheated her and took away her jewellery. On the basis of the complaint, a case was registered against the accused Arvind Pandey and taken up for investigation. While investigating, Arvind Pandey was caught by the police while raiding near Radhakrishna temple located in Tilvaraghat. On strict interrogation, the impostor admitted to cheating Poonam Sahu and snatching gold and silver jewelery in the name of worship. The accused was duly arrested in the case by confiscating the stolen jewelery at the instance of the accused.
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