Manoj Upadhyay, Morena. In Morena, Madhya Pradesh, the police, with the help of the Forest Department team, has taken action against about 200 trolley dumps of sand in Rithaunia village of Kailaras area. Let us tell you that this was illegal sand of Chambal river which was dumped by the sand mafia. The Forest Department team has carried out this work with the help of Kailaras police station.
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In fact, following the instructions of SP Shailendra Chauhan, Kailaras police station in-charge Sunil Khamaria took joint action with the forest department team and carried out this entire action. TI has got the illegally dumped sand destroyed.
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Let us tell you that due to the safety of wildlife, excavation from Chambal river is prohibited, yet the mafia does illegal excavation from Chambal river, brings sand, dumps it in an empty place and collects it to sell. SP Shailendra Singh Chauhan was receiving complaints about dumped sand for many days. Regarding this, the Superintendent of Police had instructed the station in-charge Kailaras Sunil Khemaria to take action against the sand dump. As per the instructions of the Superintendent of Police, station in-charge Sunil Khamaria got 200 trolleys of sand collected near Britannia Gas Plant destroyed. The estimated value of the sand is said to be Rs 6 lakh.
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