Gwalior. Troubled by the terror of miscreants in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, a businessman has written a letter to Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. It has been complained in the letter that the miscreants who fired at them have not been arrested yet. Appealing to the CM to take action, he said that if the attackers are not caught, they will be forced to flee with their families.
Murar businessman Mahavir Jain has written a letter to Chief Minister Mohan Yadav pleading for justice. The businessman also told that criminals are attacking him to grab his land but no action is being taken against them. He said that if anything happens to him, Kapil Yadav will be responsible for it.
Bullet fired at young man who was building a road: Horrible scene captured in CCTV, he was getting the road built even after being refused
The firing took place 2 months ago
Actually this incident happened two months ago. In a dispute over construction of a road in Bada village area of Murar police station area, three youths had opened fire on Mahavir Jain. Mahavir Jain lives next to Lord Krishna School located in Baragaon area. Here he was building a road for the route. He had a dispute with Kapil Yadav who lives there regarding this. Kapil Yadav wanted that this road should not be built.
Due to this, Kapil Yadav along with his associates opened fire on Mahavir Jain and his son. When both of them somehow saved their lives and reached school, they were fired upon there too.
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