Transfer amid raid action in MP: Major reshuffle in Lokayukta Police, more than two dozen constables including officers shifted here and there, order issued…

Shabbir Ahmed, Bhopal. The transfer has been made amid raid action in Madhya Pradesh. There has been a major reshuffle in MP Lokayukta Police. Constables have been transferred along with officers. More than two dozen constables have been shifted from here to there. Police Headquarters has issued an order in this regard.

According to the order issued, Ashish Arya has got the responsibility of Lokayukta Organization Bhopal. Rameshwar Nigwal has been given the responsibility of Lokayukta Organization Bhopal, Gaurav Pratap Singh has been given the responsibility of Lokayukta Organization Bhopal, Manoj Mishra has been given the responsibility of Lokayukta Organization Bhopal and Jitendra Singh has been given the responsibility of Lokayukta Organization Bhopal.

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