A Love Jihad case has come to light from Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh which has created deep concern in the society. This matter is not only related to the life of a student, but serious comments were made even to the Supreme Court regarding it. The student has made many shocking revelations in her complaint.
This case is of Devarniya police station area of Bareilly. The student told that she used to study in a computer coaching center located in Rajendra Nagar of the city. Here he met a young man resident of Jadaupur, who described himself as a Hindu and told his name as Anand. He also used to tie Kalava on his hand to strengthen his identity. Gradually, acquaintance between the two increased and the conversation turned into love.
Beginning of marriage hoax and love trap
The boy trapped the student in his love trap by promising marriage. On March 13, 2022, he took the student to the Radhakrishna temple located on the bypass of Bareilly and filled her mouth with vermillion. After this, he took her to his friend Talim’s room, where he had physical relations with the student.
Threats, blackmail and porn videos
After this incident, the boy made obscene videos and pictures of the student and started threatening to make them viral. The student started fearing that the video would become public, which would ruin her life. Taking advantage of this fear, the boy took the student to a hotel located on Hundred Foot Road several times and physically abused her.
truth and pressure of identity
One day when the student went to the boy’s village in Jadaupur, she found that the boy’s real name was Mohammad Alim. Aalim and his family pressured the student to have an abortion. When she refused, she was abused and thrown out of the house.
Case of forced abortion and deteriorating health
On May 5, 2023, Aalim fraudulently administered abortion medicine to the student, due to which her health deteriorated. She was later taken to a nursing home on May 11, where she was forcibly aborted.
Supreme Court’s comment
In this case, when the local court of Bareilly made some comments regarding the Muslim community, the matter reached the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court refused to remove the local court’s comments on evidentiary grounds. The court said that such cases should be handled strictly within the ambit of law.
Increasing incidence of such cases
This incident in Bareilly has once again brought the controversial issue of ‘Love Jihad’ into the limelight. The number of such cases is continuously increasing in Uttar Pradesh, where youth trap girls in love through fake identities and then exploit them.
Social and legal initiatives
Experts say that such incidents leave deep wounds in the society. It is important that the law is strictly followed and the culprits are given strict punishment. Along with this, education and dialogue should be used to make the youth aware.
question at the end
This incident is a matter of concern not only for one student but for the entire society. Has our social structure become so weak that it has become difficult to ensure the safety of girls? To stop such cases, society and law will have to take concrete steps together.