Ghaziabad. A heartbreaking incident has come to light from Cloud 9 Society of Indirapuram police station area of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Here 16-year-old Kishri was standing in the balcony of her flat and making a reel with her mobile, when suddenly she fell down from the 6th floor.
A 16-year-old girl was standing in the balcony of her flat in Ghaziabad’s E-Indirapuram Society and was making a reel for the social media platform Instagram with her mobile, when suddenly the mobile slipped from her hand and while trying to catch it, she fell down from the 6th floor. She was admitted to the hospital in a critical condition, where she is being treated.
According to the hospital, the condition of the teenager remains critical and her treatment is ongoing. Police have started investigating the incident and information is being obtained from the family members.
This incident has once again highlighted the need to be cautious while making reel videos on social media. Experts say that all necessary safety measures should be kept in mind while doing so. So that such accidents can be avoided.
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