Police action – Investigation continues
As soon as the incident is received Maharajpur police reached the spotPolice inspector Sanjay Pandey pointed out that The postmortem report confirmed “hanging” (hanging from the noose),
- At present, the family has not given any written complaint,
- Police is investigating the whole case And the young man is also being questioned.
- If the allegations are found correct, then Strict legal action will be taken against the accused,
Outrage in the area due to this incident
In the entire village due to the death of a student An atmosphere of sorrow and anger Is. Villagers say that in the area Molestation cases of molestation and crime against women are increasing,
Local people have demanded from the police that the accused should be arrested soon and punished severely,
Family members are in a bad state, mother is fainting again and again,
The villagers demanded from the police administration that a special campaign should be carried out for the safety of daughters in the area.,
Big question on safety of daughters
This incident Once again raises serious questions on the safety of women,
1 The student sent the brother and sister out of the house to save themselves, so that they can give their lives alone – It tells how upset she was.
2 Family members warned the accused several times, but no strict action was taken – Due to which the criminals are freshly elevated. rape Police should take strict steps immediately to prevent incidents of molestation and harassment,
What does the law say?
Regarding safety of women in India There are many strict lawsBut their correct implementation is the biggest challenge.
Section 354 of IPC (Use of attack or force with the intention of dissolving the modesty of the woman) – to the accused Sentence up to 5 years Might be possible.
Section 509 (Words or movements that hurt women’s honor) – Provision of punishment up to 3 years.
Section 306 (Crime of abetment to suicide) – Forced accused to commit suicide Sentenced to 10 years Might be possible.
Parents also need to be vigilant
Many girls nowadays They are victims of molestation and harassment, but they remain silent due to fear of society,
Parents should talk to their daughters openly and understand their problems,
Do not ignore the incidents of molestation, get a police complaint immediately,
If a person is constantly chasing or harassing, then take strict action by gathering evidence,
Administration needs to show strictness
This incident across the region Questions have been raised on the functioning of police administration,
- If there was already strict action against the accused, then perhaps it would not have come today,
- Police patrolling in the area should be increased to ensure the safety of women,
- There is a need to run helpline number and special security campaign for girls and women,
Result – Firstly the safety of daughters!
This incident of Maharajpur Highlights the serious condition of women’s safetyUntil In cases of molestation and harassment, immediate strict action will not be taken, till then such crimes will continue to happen,
Protection of daughters It will not be done only by making laws, but it is possible only by implementing them properly and increasing awareness in the society.Now the time has come that we “Save daughter, teach daughter” For example, do not limit slogans only to publicity, but actually Take concrete steps to protect them,