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Mathura News: 1 crore 5 lakh looted from bullion dealer in broad daylight in Mathura, CCTV clues

2 min read

HighlightsThe incident of theft with a bullion dealer in Kotwali space of ​​Mathura stirred up the incident of theft It is being informed that two bike riders robbed 1 crore 5 lakh rupees from the businessman going to the financial institution The entire incident has been recorded in CCTV, police on the spot The group has reached, the investigation of the case is occurring, within the Kotwali space of ​​​​Mathuramathura, on Monday, the incident of theft with a bullion dealer was stirred up. It is being informed that two bike riders robbed Rs 1 crore 5 lakh from the businessman going to the financial institution. The complete incident has been recorded on CCTV. Police group has reached the spot and investigation of the matter is occurring. On Monday, Bullion (silver) dealer Ankit Bansal son Ajay Bansal had left his home on a scooty close to the Bagh Bahadur outpost positioned within the Kotwali space of ​​the police station. He was going to deposit one crore 5 lakh rupees in a bag and deposit it within the State Bank. Then two motorbike riders who had been ambushed surrounded Ankit Bansal and fled after finishing up the theft incident on the power of arms. The businessman ran after the miscreants however the miscreants managed to flee after robbing them. The incident of theft was captured within the CCTV digicam put in within the close by home. The service provider instantly knowledgeable concerning the theft at Chowki Bagh Bahadur. The incident of theft with the businessman created a stir within the police division and in a rush, high cops reached the spot. There is anger among the many merchants as a result of incident of theft with the dealer. At the identical time, the household of the sufferer businessman is scared. SP City Martand Prakash Singh says {that a} group has been fashioned and began the seek for the miscreants. The theft shall be revealed quickly. Police reached the spot.