September 19, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Police and labour department team raid SP MLA’s house, rescue 14 year old minor

1 min read

Bhadohi. An 18-year-old girl hanged herself in the house of SP MLA Zahid Beg. After this, the police and labour department team raided the MLA’s house. During this, another minor girl was found doing domestic work. The team has freed her. She has been sent for medical examination.

According to the police, a girl who was working as a child labourer in the house of SP MLA Zahid Beg was freed on Tuesday during a raid by Bhadohi police and labour enforcement department officials. The girl was presented before Child Welfare Committee chairman PC Upadhyay by labour enforcement officer JP Singh and the police’s Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU).

Also read: Big News: Dead body of a girl found in MLA’s residence, police busy investigating

The committee ordered that the minor be kept under the care of a social institution called ‘One Stop Centre’. According to the labour enforcement officer, the department has freed the girl, but the department will not file any case in this matter. However, the police is investigating the matter.

This raid was conducted at the house of SP MLA Zahid Beg after the body of an 18-year-old girl, who was working at his house, was found hanging. According to the Superintendent of Police, this girl named Nazia had been working at Beg’s house for the last eight years and she committed suicide on Monday.