A shocking news has come out from the grand Ram Temple located in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. Here a young man tried to take photographs through camera glasses, flouting the security rules in the temple premises. This incident has not only raised questions on the promptness of the security personnel, but also showed how modern technology can be used to threaten the security of religious places.
How was it revealed?
This incident happened at 3 pm on Monday. A young man named Jani Jayakumar, resident of Baroda, had crossed all the checking points to enter the temple. After reaching near the lion gate, he tried to take a photo with his high-tech glasses. As soon as he clicked, the flashlight of the camera installed in the glasses lit up.
The security personnel immediately noticed him. Seeing the glasses with high-tech cameras, they became suspicious and the young man was immediately taken into custody. It is being told that these glasses of the young man are worth around Rs 50,000 and a mini camera is fitted in it, which is very difficult to identify from outside eyes.
What are the security rules in the temple premises?
Entry into the Ram Temple premises with any type of camera, mobile, or recording device is completely prohibited. This rule has been implemented to maintain the sanctity and safety of the temple. State-of-the-art scanning equipment and security personnel are deployed at Singh Dwar and other checking points.
The youth’s use of glasses with a camera is being considered as a serious incident of security breach. Experts say that security agencies will always have to be alert with the use of high-tech gadgets.
SP security statement
Confirming the incident, SP Security Balachari Dubey said, “The youth is being detained and thoroughly interrogated. No criminal record of the young man has come to light yet. This issue may be related to misuse of high-tech equipment. The background of the youth is being checked and security agencies are on alert.”
Increasing use of camera glasses
High-tech equipment like glasses with cameras are now being used in many fields. These devices are becoming popular for spying, photography, and recording. Security experts say that their monitoring is very important at religious places, government buildings, and sensitive places.
Features of glasses with camera:
- Hidden Camera: Externally, glasses appear to be ordinary.
- High-resolution recording: Can record photos and videos in HD quality.
- Long Battery Backup: Suitable for long-term secret recording.
New challenge for security agencies
This incident has raised many questions on the temple security arrangements. Although the youth was caught due to the alertness of the security personnel, this incident presents new challenges to the security arrangements.
Experts’ Opinion:
- High-tech device detectors should be used at sensitive locations.
- The checking process will have to be made more stringent.
- Every person entering the temple premises should be thoroughly checked.
Hidden danger behind such incidents
This incident has raised the question whether high-tech equipment is being used for espionage or other illegal activities. Many times such technologies are used with wrong intentions, which can be harmful not only for security but also for religious sentiments.
people’s reaction
After the incident, this matter went viral on social media. People are raising questions on the security arrangements and demanding more strict monitoring from the temple administration.
- “This incident is a warning for our safety. Misuse of technology is extremely worrying.”
- “The temple administration should take care of every small and big thing. Such incidents are shameful.”
further action
After this incident, the administration has given instructions to further strengthen the security system. Consideration is being given to installing high-tech scanning equipment before entering the temple premises.
Ayodhya administration and security agencies are taking this incident very seriously. Its purpose is not only to prevent such incidents in future, but also to further tighten the monitoring of high-tech equipment.
This incident in the Ram temple complex represents a major security lapse. Although the alertness of security personnel averted a potentially major incident, the incident also shows how high-tech gadgets can threaten the sanctity and security of religious places. The temple administration and security agencies need to take more steps in this direction.