In his single-minded quest to make a film that honours Batman’s noir-heavy origins, director Matt Reeves forgot that he must...
Zoe Kravitz
Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz workforce up as Batman and Catwoman within the newest cinematic outing of the famed DC...
By Express News Service Director Matt Reeves’, The Batman has obtained a PG-13 ranking, on opposite to the most-expected R-rating....
By PTI NEW DELHI: A brand new trailer for Warner Bros' much-awaited "The Batman" teases an alliance of types between...
The trailer of the brand new "Batman", launched final month, showcases the combat between Pattinson's Dark Knight and the Riddler.
The Batman Trailer: Filmmaker Matt Reeves’s The Batman introduced the curtains down on 2021 DC FanDome as he unveiled an...
By ANI WASHINGTON: Ahead of DC FanDome, an occasion that options footage from upcoming tasks from Warner Bros, the studio...
DC not too long ago launched two new posters from the upcoming The Batman film as followers await the movie’s...
By Express News Service Actor Channing Tatum will star in a style thriller titled Pussy Island, which marks the route...
Actors Zoe Kravitz and Karl Glusman are parting methods after 18 months of marriage. According to courtroom data obtained by...