Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has written a letter to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena (Vinai Kumar Saxena). In the letter, the CM claimed that the religious committee had sent the file for demolition of the temple to the Lieutenant Governor without showing it to the CM. Atishi said in the letter that no temple or religious place should be demolished in Delhi. He said that the faith of the Dalit community is linked to Buddhist religious places. Demolition of any religious place can hurt people’s sentiments.
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Delhi Chief Minister Atishi said in a letter to the LG that on your instructions and with your approval, the religious committee has decided to demolish many religious structures in Delhi. As you can see, the list of religious structures to be demolished includes many temples and Buddhist places of worship, which are revered by the Dalit community. The demolition of these structures will hurt the religious sentiments of these communities. On behalf of the people of Delhi, I would like to request you not to demolish any temple or place of worship given in the attached list.
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CM Atishi’s counterattack on LG’s letter: Earlier, Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena wrote a letter to CM Atishi regarding the recent statement of former Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal. In this, LG has accused Kejriwal that he has called Atishi a temporary Chief Minister. LG Saxena said, “I found it very objectionable and I was hurt by it. This was not only an insult to you, but also to me, as your employer Her Excellency the President of India and her representative.”
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Delhi Chief Minister Atishi replied to LG’s letter on Monday. While replying, he wrote that I am running the government on the path shown by Arvind Kejriwal. Instead of doing dirty politics, you should focus on the betterment of Delhi.
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Former CM Arvind Kejriwal worked for nine and a half years for the betterment of Delhi. The people of Delhi made Arvind Kejriwal victorious again and again. As a woman, I am personally hurt by your obstruction in the Mahila Samman Yojana. I am running the government on the path shown by Arvind Kejriwal.
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