September 16, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Fauci On New COVID-19 Strain: ‘I Wouldn’t Be Surprised If It Has Already Reached US’

1 min read

US top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci on December 21 that the new COVID-19 variant linked to the drastic surge of cases in the UK has probably already reached the United States. While talking to PBS’ Newshour, the director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease said that people have to “make that assumption” considering the travel that was permitted throughout the world and the cases of the new strain are hiked in the UK, South Africa. Therefore, Fauci concluded that he would ‘not be surprised’ if the variant has already reached the US. 

Further US top infectious disease said ‘we’re going to find it’ indicating that the medical professionals in the United States will ‘run into’ the new strain of the novel coronavirus once they start looking for the same. Even though the variant is not a prevalent one unlike in the UK but according to Fauci ‘sooner or later,’ the doctors will find it.