September 20, 2024

Report Wire

News at Another Perspective

Macron’s French Govt Proposes ‘Republican Principles’ Bill To Tackle ‘Islamist Radicalism’

2 min read

Almost two months after the horrific attacks in France and debate over extremism, the French government unveiled a draft law on Wednesday aimed at tackling “Islamist radicalism”. President Emmanuel Macron says that the bill is a way to root out  “separatists” undermining the nation. The proposed law is titled “Supporting Republican Principles,” will affect home schools, mosques, the 1905 law separating church and state, forced marriages. This move by Macron comes ahead of the 2022 presidential polls, as he eyes re-election even as his tenure faced massive ‘Yellow vest’ movement and was marred with violence.

One of the Articles in the bill makes school obligatory from age 3, allowing the option of homeschooling in special cases only. The measure is aimed at ending so-called clandestine schools run by fundamentalists with their “own agenda.” French Prime Minister Jean Castex stressed that it “is not a text against religions or against the Muslim religion in particular.” He explained, “a bill of freedom, a bill of protection, a bill of emancipation from Islamist fundamentalism or other ideologies pursuing the same goals.”

Another Article in the bill encourages mosques to register as places of worship, so as to better identify them. Many of the nation’s more than 2,600 mosques, which often have Quranic schools attached, currently operate under rules for associations. While it doesn’t forbid foreign funding for mosques, it stated that funding source and other details would have to be declared if amount exceeds 10,000 euros ($12,000). In addition, a judge can forbid anyone convicted of provoking terrorism, discrimination, hate or violence from frequenting mosques.